About yoga, life, and how hard it is to sit still.
Getting unstuck
It is particularly hard to insist on the intangible things I need. But those things are where life and joy reside.
To doubt is to learn
Whether in the context of formal education or organized religion, questions are more important than answers.
This is how I want to live my life: falling.
And being really (really) proud I dared to try.
We are love! (A short history of Labor Day and modern yoga)
Despite our history, despite ourselves, we can’t help it: we are love.
Breathing is core.
Sometimes, it takes finding just the right place. Sometimes, it’s more immediate. But always, the breath is there for me.
What even is groundedness?
If you don’t know where you are, how do you know the route to where you want to be?
When in doubt, go back to the foundation.
This time of year is particularly frazzled. And I find I need grounding.
“Core work” is more than just abs.
I enjoy a six-pack as much as the next person. And also, that’s not where it’s at.
Self-regulation is a practice, not a trophy to be won.
On some days, it feels almost impossible. But always it works.
The soul will not be rushed.
Transitions take time. Sometimes I need to be reminded of that.
I can ground myself. And so can you.
Staying grounded is harder than stretching your hamstrings. Trust.