What I believe
This weekend I got to talking with my spouse about what "believing" means to each of us. (This all in the context of a conversation about miracles, lest you think we are weird).
To me, believing is not about tenets of a system of faith. It is about knowing something with my body that I can't see with my eyes or prove with my mind. Something that is slightly beyond my comprehension, but that I know to be true nonetheless.
Like the existence of love.
Like the need to trust process.
Like the shadow of truth beneath a myriad competing narratives.
These are all platitudes, but they are also things I truly believe. And they are linked to a deeper belief: a faith that we are so much more than we perceive at present, but that this is not necessarily a permanent limitation. In fact, I believe it is up to us to overcome.
It is up to us to trust the process of love and get at the core of truth.
And so I sit.