Travel at the speed of your soul …

I've spent so much time in airplanes and cars that I sometimes forget I grew up in a place where the main daily transportation for many (still) is a bike. When I was young and studying in Copenhagen, friends laughed at me for saying everywhere in the city was right next to my place. I felt like it was: everywhere could be reached in 20 minutes on a bike.

Now, nothing feels near. The way I have set up my life, with family and friends spread across the world, biking will just never be enough transportation. Even within my home countries, my loved ones are not in one place. I know personal consumption is only the smaller part of climate disaster, that a few large industries are responsible for the vast majority of harmful emissions, so that is not the only reason I mourn my need for planes and cars. It seems to me that biking also serves another purpose: allowing me to travel at the speed of my soul.


Look up with gratitude


Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn