Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn

🎉 I am super-excited to be starting on the spine/core materials from Jason Crandell’s teacher training today 🎉

I remember doctor's visits as a kid because of my "weak and crooked back," working from the couch as a student because of persistent back pain, and taking to the floor in my office, at my therapist's, or as I waited to pick up my daughter from dance, from acting classes, just to give my back some respite. I rarely have back-pain now, and when I do, it is never persistent and debilitating. I credit yoga: I know what works and what doesn't in my own body, and I know it takes time, consistent practice, and effort.

I want to learn everything I can to help others figure out how yoga can

1) not exacerbate their back issues; and

2) hopefully support strengthening and resilience for some relief.


Travel at the speed of your soul …