Today, I feel like water.

This morning my whole body felt like it was an ocean. This sounds like the start of a very bad poem (and it might be that for sure) but that’s not what it felt like. It just felt like water: endless, soft, powerful, gentle, always in motion.

Those of you who have known me for a while will know that I sometimes get really (really) dizzy. Medical professionals have had many ideas of what might be wrong, none of which have appeared to be correct. About ten years ago, when I was explaining to a friend that, yet again, another theory about my dizziness had turned out to be unsubstantiated, my tween daughter commented, deadpan and earnestly: “So now we think it’s just because mom is a mermaid.” And my friend responded, equally seriously and calm: “Yes, that was going to be my next suggestion.”

The truth is I feel my best on the water, and in the water. I rarely get seasick, but I often feel queasy when I get off a boat - landsick, if you will. I miss the sound of the ocean every day. My favorite part about sleeping on a sailboat is feeling enveloped by the sea.

So maybe I am a mermaid. Or maybe it’s just that we are about 60% water, and I am always trying to level out the elements.

Next up: online vinyasa practice today Saturday May 14 at 13:00 UTC (9am in Brooklyn).

Also, if you are interested, I’ll be teaching morning mindfulness next week, May 16-20 at 7am at YogaSole. Each morning we will start with 15 minutes of guided mindfulness meditation, then move into a 30 minute all-round asana flow to gently wake up the body, and finish with 5 minutes in silent savasana or seated meditation. While every day's practice will build on the day before, every session is stand-alone and can be taken as such. No prior experience of meditation or asana practice is needed. If you are in Brooklyn, come wake up with me!


Too much to do


I don’t like capitalism.