Time-Tetris: an exercise in futility

I used to play Tetris with my time, all the time: slotting activities into the space in between other activities just so, getting the maximum out of my days. Or so I thought.

But as it turns out time is fungible, acting more like those weird dehydrated sponges that quadruple in size when you pour water on them. Sure, you can fit 107 of them under your sink, but they really are not that useful until they have expanded to their full size and potential.

So it is with time.

I try desperately to hold onto that knowledge as I look at my work calendar today, full-on Tetris’d. How to make the time and connections within it real, if they are not allowed to expand?

Next up: virtual vinyasa practice, Wednesday April 27, 16:30 UTC (12:30pm in Brooklyn, NY). See you there?


My mind: the octopus


We can act. There is time.