We make the path as we go

This weekend, the spouse and I were talking about how things that are right have a sort of right vibe, and you just know. Know that feeling? Even writing it out it feels simultaneously amorphous and clear.

In some ways I think it is literally about knowing. Picture this. You want to do something to change. But you don’t know everything about the change you seek: the consequences, implications, random effects. So it makes you nervous and you just don’t do it. But over time, details emerge that you had not thought of before. Things crystallize and clarify. At some point, you have enough details to feel at ease. That’s when you move ahead: when you know enough.

Point being that we build the path as we walk it, and sometimes we need to stand still for a bit to make out the next couple of steps.

In other ways, it’s about alignment. For example, you might know you need to cultivate connection. So you feel attracted to all the moments that give you that: community building moments, connecting with strangers and friends, magnetically pulling towards what you need. I have written about this before, probably equally inarticulately, here.

I am having one of those moments right now. Where occurrences that felt truly random just one month ago now make sense. Where things feel aligned. Where beauty just is.

It is weird, and beautiful, and not entirely random. I wish you the same.


In which yoga is like a GPS


Wait, I have to cook? … Again?