How to get unstuck …

I woke up in a state of agitated excitement. Things that have been percolating for a long time — minor disagreements, knots of discomfort, persistent dissonance, in short: stuckness — suddenly felt loosened and un-stuck.

This kind of thing always seems to happen suddenly, whether I am dealing with something physical or emotional: “suddenly” my knee feels stronger, more stable, more able to bend with comfort; “suddenly” the road ahead is cleared of rubble and debris.

And yet I know this is the result of weeks, months, sometimes years of quiet, often tedious, work. My recent experience with physical therapy is just one example: the exercises are daily, relentless, and hard. But the shift in comfort is all at once, and seemingly unrelated to the sessions and pain.

I had forgotten how much other processes mirror this, how much things can percolate out of view — and often while I sleep — and how the shift in being feels sudden, new, and completely unrelated to anything that came before.

As always at these moments of sudden emotional, cognitive, or energetic shifts, I am in awe at the human experience and potential. We can literally change while we rest. I want to tag and store this feeling for next time I am overwhelmed by the stuckness of humanity. We can do this. We do it all the time.

Next up: online vinyasa flow, Saturday May 21, 13:00 UTC (9am in Brooklyn). More times zones in the post. See you there?


Empathy, running, and joy


Sitting with violence