What to expect
Here’s a little cheat-sheet of timing, sign-up, and class content details
Timing and sign-up
I list the classes in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) - this is what we used to call Greenwich Meantime for those who are old like me.
You choose your timezone when you sign up, and I have included some sample time zones in the posts. If you are in doubt, please ask.
You can book the class up until the last minute before the class starts.
Once the class starts, you can no longer book it, but you can join any time. You will be muted on arrival, so you are not disturbing. You can keep your video on or off as you like. We all like to turn the video on at the end to greet our fellow yogis, but it’s not a requirement at all.
I start and end the classes on time. I am usually online 10 minutes before the class starts, if you want to chat or say hello, which I would love!
Class content
I teach with home-practice in mind. This means I assume you have a mat, but no special equipment.
All classes include warm-up, a flow-segment, slow-down, and a final resting pose. While you can join and leave any time during the class, I advise to set the full class-time aside for maximum benefit.
All classes are beginner-inclusive. This means that I teach basic vinyasa yoga with lots of instructions and pointers. For more detailed instructions and explanations geared specifically at newbies, I suggest the new-to-yoga workshops.
I don’t play music during live-stream classes, because the sound is just too hard to sync up. But feel free to play your own music on the side, or use one of my playlists.
For more about me, and my approach, see here.