Every yogi has a story. This is mine.
Mother. Yogi. Spouse. Yogi. Daughter. Yogi. Sister. Yogi. Friend. Yogi. Ex-marathoner. Yogi. Sailor. Yogi. Seamstress. Yogi. European (mostly) living in New York. Yogi. Human rights professional. Yogi. Anti-racism activist (or at least trying). Yogi. Coffee-lover. Yogi. Bread-snob. Yogi. Cheese-fanatic. Yogi. Astrologically speaking, prone to holding on for slightly too long. And yogi. Every day, a yogi.
First, we breathe …
I came to yoga late in life, after decades of long-distance running and even longer as a person recording other people’s pain. It took my hamstrings about 5 years to unfurl, and I’m still working on the layers of emotions that come with standing next to trauma for that long. Learning to actually breathe — and to feel — has been one of the simplest, most transformative, lessons of my life.
And then we do it again …
I initially became a yoga instructor to stay accountable to my own practice. I did not realize how much I would love the community and joy that comes with sharing the gift of breath. My hope is that, by sharing this practice, I help in some small way to build a community of people who feel every day more able to be in right relationship with themselves, each other, and the planet.

My approach.
I believe that yoga is for every body, anywhere. As a result, all my classes are simple enough to be beginner-friendly, even as they challenge you to build strength and flexibility over time. The asana practices are vinyasa-based and grounded in bio-mechanics, to help you understand each pose as it applies to your unique body and needs. I provide continued instructions to match movement with breath, so you get to focus on what’s important: you. For more on what to expect, see here.
In short, I approach yoga as a method of self-inquiry, anchored in physical movement and breath, and will help you do the same.
I completed my 200 hour Teacher Training with Troy McPeak with Peak Beings in 2020, and my 300 hour Teacher Training with Jason Crandell in 2022. I am registered with Yoga Alliance (RYT500) Marianne Mollmann
Oh, yea: and my name is Marianne
Pronounced “MyAna” (or like Diana with an M). Because I’m Danish and we like to swallow all the consonants and some of the vowels too.